Presentation signposting / linking words / signalling phrases cheat sheet.

Below is a quick list of phrases you can use to create a smooth presentation by indicating to the audience through signposting, using linking words, and signalling phrases. The list can be downloaded as a PDF, click the image below to download. This page is part of the main presentation how to which can be found here.

thumbnail of Presentation signposting – linking words – signalling phrases cheat sheet.

Introducing the Subject I’d like to begin by…
Let’s start with…
First of all, I’ll…
Starting with…
I’ll begin by…

moving on to…
I’ve explained…
That’s all I have to say about… We’ve had a look at…

Moving to Another Subject
Now, moving on to…
Let me shift focus to…
Turning to…
I’d like now to have a look at…
Let’s now discuss…
Analysing a Point and Giving Recommendations
Where does that lead us?
Let’s think about this in more detail…
What does this mean for…
What does this mean for the people on the ground…Let’s get down to the details a bit more…Where has this led us?Digging deeper into the numbers…
Giving an ExampleFor instance,…
A good example of this is…
As an illustration,…
To give you a picture of,…
To highligh this point…Case in point…A clear demonstration of this is…Dealing with QuestionsWe’ll be examining this point in more detail later…
I’d like to take with this question later, if I may…
I’ll come back to this question later in my talk…
Perhaps you’d like to raise this point at the end…
I’d be happy to discuss your question at the end of the presentation.
Summarising and Concluding

To sum up…With all this in mind…So, where do we go from here?
In conclusion,…
Right, let’s sum up, shall we?
I’d like now to recap…
Just to recap…So, we’ve covered…
Let’s summarise briefly what we’ve looked at…
Finally, let me remind you of the issues we’ve covered…
If I can just sum up the main points…

Ordering / Sequencing
First of all…then…next…after that…finally…
To start with…later…to finish up…

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