
Billions are sent everyday and for a technology which started in the 1970s it isn’t a bad accomplishment. Emails are the pivot which are digital life revolves around. With this, now established, part of our lives, what annoys you about emails? Are you fed up with having to sift through pages of spam?

  • Language level: B1+
  • Aim: The belief in dreams and their meanings.
  • Learner type: Young learners; Teens; Adults
  • Time: 45 – 60 minutes
  • Activities includedDiscussing quotes, conversation questions, presentationimage discussion
  • Topic: Dreams
  • Language: Any (can also include language to show frustration or happiness)
  • Materials: Text and images

thumbnail of Emailsthumbnail of Images for class

Download the PDF talking points page: Emails ESLTalkingPoints PDF

Download the PDF images for class: Emails Images PDF



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