About Us

ESLTalkingPoints.com is an English Language Teaching (ELT) website and publisher based in the United Kingdom, London. We not only make worksheets for ESL teachers but books and resources for learning English, ESL, ESOL, TEFL and EFL.

We greatly hope our materials can be of help for teachers all over the world, in a variety of situations and contexts. We aim our materials to be used in elementary schools, high schools, colleges, universities, private training providers, specialist summer camps, language camps, private tuition and many other scenarios. We feel that learning should be about a sound grammatical understanding however, our experiences have shown us that students need more than just grammar to get their ideas across. Our ESL targeted Talking Points means students can safely and in a guided manner share their ideas and practice how to express their thoughts. For when in the real world they need to express themselves, they can do so with ease and style.

Many tests today like IELTS, PET, CAE, FCE and others all require students to eloquently speak on a topic or picture for a given time. Our materials help teachers and students become more familiar with the process of speech and to think imaginatively to express their thoughts as naturally as possible.

We deeply and sincerely wish you enjoy our materials and we hope you share ESLTalkingPoints.com with people you know.

Where to find us

Follow us on Twitter @ESLTalkingPoint

If you have an idea for a lesson, then please do contact us at chinwag [ a t ] esltalkingpoints.com

About the author

Originally from London, UK, the author has spent seven years teaching TEFL/ESL in China, South Korea and the UK. During his travels he noticed that many students and schools lack focus in cultivating discussion, not only to improve English skills, but as a skill in itself. The author hopes to improve the quality of English language learning dialogue for both teachers and students.

Other projects

ESL Debates – A resource for teachers on how to debate and for students who love to debate with each other.

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