Category: Intermediate Discussion


Getting the simplest job nowadays needs qualifications. Do companies put too much pressure on having these pieces of paper or is it better to search for raw talent? Language level: B1+ Aim: To discuss issues related to qualifications. Learner type: Young learners; Teens; Adults Time: 45 – 60 minutes Activities included: Discussing quotes, conversation questions, presentation, image discussion Topic: Qualifications Language: Any Materials: Text...


Till death do us part. Words which every couple will say when they get married. When would you like to get married? What are your expectations? Language level: B1+ Aim: To discuss weddings and getting married. Learner type: Young learners; Teens; Adults Time: 45 – 60 minutes Activities included: Discussing quotes, conversation questions, presentation, image discussion Topic: Marriage Language: Any Materials: Text and images Download...


We all speak it, but how does it differ from languages in other countries? Language level: B1+ Aim: To discuss language Learner type: Young learners; Teens; Adults Time: 45 – 60 minutes Activities included: Discussing quotes, conversation questions, presentation, image discussion Topic: Language Language: Any Materials: Text and images Download the PDF talking points page: Language ESLTalkingPoints PDF Download the PDF images for class: Language Images PDF    


Getting a job is on everyone’s mind. The world of work is changing fast, how can we best adapt to it? Language level: B1+ Aim: To discuss jobs Learner type: Young learners; Teens; Adults Time: 45 – 60 minutes Activities included: Discussing quotes, conversation questions, presentation, image discussion Topic: Jobs Language: Any Materials: Text and images Download the PDF talking points page: Jobs ESLTalkingPoints PDF...


  Language level: B1+ Aim: To discuss the issues surrounding immigration. Learner type: Young learners; Teens; Adults Time: 45 – 60 minutes Activities included: Discussing quotes, conversation questions, presentation, image discussion Topic: Immigration Language: Any Materials: Text and images Download the PDF talking points page: Immigration ESLTalkingPoints PDF Download the PDF images for class: Immigration Images PDF    


  Language level: B1+ Aim: To discuss the business of hotels and the leisure industry. Learner type: Young learners; Teens; Adults Time: 45 – 60 minutes Activities included: Discussing quotes, conversation questions, presentation, image discussion Topic: Hotels Language: Any Materials: Text and images Download the PDF talking points page: Hotels ESLTalkingPoints PDF Download the PDF images for class: Hotels Images PDF